Denise Kelley

Denise Kelley 609-703-2706 609-399-0076x125

3160 Asbury Avenue, Ocean City


#1 in Ocean City real estate transactions

Ocean City Guarded Beaches

Contact Information Zone Headquarters:

1st St. Phone 525-9200 Fax 525-0408

12th St. Phone 525-9203 Fax 391-7809

34th St. Phone 525-9204 Fax 391-1826

57th St. Phone 525-9207 Fax 525-9219

The City of Ocean City wants everyone to have fun at the beach and wants everyone to be safe! The ocean is a great place to play in the waves or to cool off on a hot summer day, but it can be dangerous in certain conditions or for those who may not be used to the waves and currents. To keep everyone safe, lifeguards from the Ocean City Beach Patrol guard a number of beaches along the coast. Certain beaches are designated for surfing only as the surfboards can be dangerous to swimmers.

The Ocean City Beach Patrol (OCBP) guards a total of 42 beaches in the summer season. Beaches are guarded from the Saturday before Memorial Day through the week after Labor Day. However, to extend the season somewhat, the OCBP guards 5 beaches, conditions permitting, throughout September. For the last three weeks in September the 5 guarded beaches are St. Charles Place, 9th Street, 12th Street, 34th Street and 58th Street.

Summer Season Guarded Beaches

All of the beaches listed here are guarded by the last week in June. Prior to this, and at the end of the season, there are a limited number of guarded beaches. The beaches that are guarded when the full summer staff is in effect are:

Seaspray Rd.
Surf Rd.
Waverly Blvd (Surfing Beach)
Atlantic Blvd.
North St.
Stenton Pl.
St. Charles Pl.
Pennlyn Pl.
Park Pl.
Brighton Pl.
5th St.
7th St. (Surfing Beach)
8th St.
9th St.
10th St.
11th St.
12th St.
13th St.
14th St.
15th St.
16th St. (Surfing Beach)
17th St.
18th St.
20th St.
22th St.
24th St.
26th St.
28th St.
30th St.
32th St.
34th St.
36th St.
39th St.
42th St.
44th St.
46th St.
48th St.
50th St.
53th St.
55th St.
57th St.
60th St.

Pre- and Post-Season Guarded Beaches

The Department of Fire and Rescue Services announces that the Ocean City Beach Patrol will guard the following beaches as of Saturday, May 29, 2021. Beaches will be guarded from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekends and holidays, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

St Charles Pl.
Brighton Pl.
8th St.
9th St.
10th St.
11th St.
12th St.
26th St.
34th St.
58th St.

First Aid Stations

The OCBP divides the Ocean City beach into zones from north to south and each zone has a first aid station at the zone headquarters. These first aid stations are located at 1st Street, 12th Street, 34th Street and 59th Street.

Beach Fees

In order to pay for these and other services to keep the Ocean City beach a safe, clean, and fun place to visit and relax, the Ocean City beach requires beachgoers to have beach tags. Beach tags can be purchased for the season, the week, or the day.

Seasonal tags are available for purchase in the pre-season, before Memorial Day, at a discounted rate. Pre-season purchases can be made on-line by clicking here or they can be purchased at City Hall (9th Street and Asbury Avenue), the 46th Street Post Office (on West Avenue), the Visitor's Center on the Route 52 Causeway or the Information Center at the Music Pier (on the Boardwalk at Moorlyn Terrace). Please note some of these locations have limited hours during the pre-season. City Hall, however, is open Monday through Friday from 8:45 a.m. through 4:30 p.m.

During the summer season, Seasonal, Weekly, and Daily passes can be purchased at the four locations above and from City employees who work on the beach to ensure that beachgoers have their tags.

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